Beauty Salon Launceston “Retreat, Relax, Rejuvenate”
Mature Skin Revitalising Treatment – $95
Your skin is thoroughly cleansed and then the treatment begins with a gentle peeling mask and scalp massage. Then a to die for facial massage to stimulate the blood supply to the skin and calm your soul. A Physio-mask will ensure your complexion becomes radiantly fresh, smooth and soft. Then finish with application of beauty capsules to regenerate your skin. Allow 50 minutes.
Purifying Treatment Facial – $95.00
Beginning with a disincrustation cleanse to remove thickened build up on the skin. Then a mask will cleanse deep within your pores and draw out any impurities. Extractions to clear your skin if needed and then a mask to calm your skin and stimulate it to function normally. Allow 50 minutes.
Sensitive Skin Regulation Treatment -$95.00
Beginning with a gentle but thorough cleanse and treatment to sooth your sensitive skin. Then a facial massage with a calming cream and sensitive gel hydrating mask. Any redness in your skin is calmed by application of calming products. A truly remarkable treatment for sensitive skin. Allow 50 minutes.
Ultra Peel Facial – $132.00
The Ultra signature facial has one thing in mind – results. Using Ultra corrective products customised to your skin type, your face will be totally refined, bright and smooth. Guaranteed to increase cellular turnover and micro-circulation. This facial will leave your skin radiant for days. Our most popular facial and with good reason! Allow 60 minutes.
Skin Maintenace Facial Treatment – $95.00
The perfect facial treatment for the care of normal skin. A thorough cleanse before a gentle peeling scrub, a divine facial and scalp massage followed by a hydro mask to keep fine lines at bay. Allow 50 minutes.
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